We will be having corned beef and cabbage tonight...although that is not a dish they usually eat in Ireland on St. Patty's Day. But I love it and I will make everyone else love it too!!!! HAHAHAHA!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Watch Out Drivers...
Krazy Keri is on the road!
I passed my motorcycle basic skills class this last weekend. Not only am I awesome but one of the guys (men) in the class said he would rather be behind me than some of the guys. HAHA. That is a huge compliment since the man is a pretty old fashioned gender-role type of guy...but he was nice. :)
It was tons of fun but pretty exhausting having to drive so far. It really made for a long weekend. When I got home from the last day, Matt and I rode over to the elementary school so I could show him how well I did. He rode my Burgman 400 motorcycle (with automatic transmission) and I rode his V-star 1300. Holy Cow!! His bike has POWER!!! When I kicked it into 3rd gear, I had tears streaming from the corners of my eyes to my ears (3/4 helmet). That thing is like riding a bull with the speed of a cheetah! Needless to say, his bike is a little too much for me but it sure was fun for the 3 miles that we rode. I road my bike to work this morning and loved it!! It can't quite kick it in the ass like matt's but it certainly can hold it's own.
Yesterday was Courtney's birthday and I am SO GLAD IT IS OVER! Matt did the dishes for me (thank God) and Courtney will be putting away dishes this afternoon. Her cake took me a long time but it is probably the best I have done so far (pictures will be posted later) and the girls were LOUD and SQUEALY!! How old are they when we can stop doing "birthday parties"? I was completely BEAT! I told Matt that I would rather have worked a full-time job yesterday than put the party together. I made each girl 2 barrets with satin ribbons and a flower with a rhinestone center. I will have to take a picture of the one I made Courtney.
We got Courtney a basket for her bike so she rode to school today for the first time. Really, the only person that didn't ride their bike today was Matt. haha.
Anyway, I am back at work and brain dead to say the least. Jared has practice tonight, Matt has class, and I have to get some yard clippings in the green waste for pick up in the morning. Plus dinner...kids reading...cleaning up...showers...homework...sleep...not in that order.
I just want some rest.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Motorcycle Training
"I got the last spot for this weekend in Atwater. I'm scared. Eeek!"
This was the message I sent my husband a few minutes ago. My permit expires on 3/24/09 and I need to take the Basic Motorcycle Skills class so I can get my license. Luckily, they had one more spot open for the classes in Atwater this weekend. Fresno is still ho-bunk enough that they don't have the classes IN Fresno. Stupid.
I was looking at the classes in Sacramento but I am teaching right now and it is hard for me to get out of here during the week (the classes are on Thurs/Sat/Sun or Fri/Sat/Sun). Plus, I would have to go by myself since Matt has class on Saturdays.
So, Atwater it is! I still have to drive about 2.5 hours round trip on Saturday and Sunday but Friday is the classroom portion and it is in Fresno. I get to spend at least part of the weekend with my husband and then have to get everything ready for Courtney's birthday party on Monday (at least I have that day off from work). Silly me, I thought I was going to get some sleep over the weekend. That doesn't look like it will be happening.
Matt said he doesn't want me driving to Atwater alone at night (in case the classroom portion was not in Fresno). That's when you know your husband loves you. I don't know how I survived after sundown before I met him. HAHA!
Wish me luck! Hope I don't poop my pants. :)