Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Spice Cake

A new cake for Thanksgiving. This was a super quick one. I started the whole process the night before and finished the morning of. I think I can tackle the "gift cake" any day (with a few tweaks). The flavor was a scratch made spice cake with vanilla butter cream and marshmallow fondant. Even Courtney gave it a thumbs up...and the kids are the hardest to please.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My 6 Year Dream

I got my prius! We are only paying about $10 more a month for our Prius than our Saturn Vue Hybrid. Thanks to Carmax, we got what we needed to pay off our Saturn and are very very happy owners of a 2010 Toyota Prius. This is my forever car and Matt loves it just as much. Now we can play the gas mileage game like my parents. hehe.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I haven't posted anything recently so I thought I would show I was still alive and share a little factoid.

My cousin's name is Michael Dwight (Bailey)
My husband's cousin's name is Michael Dwight (Lewis)

Funny, huh?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

Take a moment today to think of those who serve and have served.
We all have loved ones that have served (or still do) and I'm sure we all have someone that we wish was still physically with us today because they made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that we can argue our ideas, walk safely on our streets, and independantly choose how we want to live our lives. My life is blessed to have these people in my heart. First on my list is my Grandpa Don. It has been a long time, but I still think of you often. Dad is looking more and more like you too. :) It's the eyebrows. Next is my dad (USMC like his dad). After that, there are too many to list just in my family.

No matter how they served, where they served, or when they served, take a moment to thank these people in your life. We can never know their experiences but we do know that they were willing to pay the price for each of us.

Love you daddy!