Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scoot scoot poot poot and demolition

I got my M1 permit on Monday but I haven't been able to practice yet. Matt said we will go out this weekend to practice but we are doing some construction too.

It is time to join our family room and living room by cutting a big hole in the wall. I think I will repaint the rooms a greenish color. The family room is a plum right now on one wall (I ran out of paint hence the one painted wall) but I think a nice outdoor color will really brighten up the room. out furniture is all cream tones except the blue chairs I got from my sister and brother-in-law. Then the shared wall with the kitchen and fireplace will be a nice chocolatey brown that will meet with the greenish wall. Sounds pretty with cream cabinets and a cream/tan speckled kitchen countertop. Since the cats would eat any houseplants, the green walls will be my version of nature. haha.

Friday, March 21, 2008

My New Ride!

This is so pretty. I'm looking forward to the 65 mpg and reasonably tiny gas bill. I am getting my permit on Monday and will be taking the motorcycle driving class in mid April. Matt will also be working with me on my driving so I am super save and comfortable.
I was originally looking at something smaller but this one is much more realistic for now and in the future. Since the kids have different times to be picked up from school, this bike has the space to get them to and from school. When your gas bill is around $500 a month, this is a great long as you take your driving seriously.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This is what I want...need to save gas!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

what to do

so, what are you supposed to do when you feel like you can't believe a word out of their mouth? i guess, when there are more people telling one story than the other people telling a different story, you tend to believe the larger group. then, when others tell you that the person was into other bad things AGAIN and that they can lie straight to your face like they are telling the truth, you start to doubt everything again.

you would think that when things get this serious, because the shit HAS hit the fan, that the person would fold and lay it all out on the line. really, she has nothing more to lose.

at this point, we just give it to God and pray. even if we think the outcome is bad, there is a purpose for everything, even if it does not seem clear to us at this time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Just because Monday needs some perking up

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stupid People in Good Jobs

Okay, so I am a counselor working with short term programs at a junior college in my area. Most of you know all of this. Most of you probably know that, if you ever went to a JC, most counselors are useless. Apparently this is still true.

It is EXTREMELY competitive here to get a full-time position and they pay REALLY well. I am not complaining about my job because I also get payed very well and I work part-time. Benefits would be nice and more job security would be fantastic but I LOVE my job and hope to enter the competition for full-time in the near future. The problem I have is that a lot of the people that have the full-time jobs have forgotten that they are here for the students. This is why students run around all over the place trying to get an answer that makes sense.

So I saw this student this morning that had been told a number of wrong things from the mainstream counselors on the campus and sent her to see me. It wasn't that hard to see what she needed and I was really irritated that she didn't get the attention she deserved by the other counselors she met with.

The problem is that a good portion of full-time counselors think their job is cushy so they don't do the work that the students need. I swear, if I ever make it to full-time, I am going to be one of the most informed counselors working FOR the students.