Thursday, September 25, 2008

The air is thick

With filth!

The air is unhealthy for sensitive groups today and the pollen levels are at 9. When I rode my scoot scoot home today, I couldn't see the hills/mountains. When it is nice outside, it looks like they are only a few minutes away. My daughter's eyes are burning and one of my coworkers had a little bit of a bloody nose this morning and was sneezing and coughing. Allergies are bad when you cough. (My opinion)

I love my home and my job and we are doing pretty good here in the armpit of Cali BUT, the day will come when we seek out cleaner air and some kind of breeze. That day will be happy. When I can look toward the horizon and see something other than a brown sludge (it almost looks like you can reach out to wipe at it and come away with ca-ca on your fingers) and I am not living in a city full of sickness due to asthma and other stuff caused by our air.

Yes, I know that pollution pretty much everywhere is getting worse but armits (whether they be literal or figurative) tend to accumulate the nasties unless they are washed out regularly. Fresno does not get regular washings.

This title is from the San Fransico Chronicle on May 1, 2007

4 smoggiest cities located in California
L.A., Bakersfield, Visalia area, Fresno
Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer

On a side note, my daughter is in her room belting out Taylor Swift songs. Fortunately, she has come to the realization that Taylor Swift is a horrible singer BUT she still likes her songs. So, she closes her door and belts them at the top of her lungs. She likes to sing so I let her make her lungs sore.