Matt and I unwrapped my hand last night and Igot a little weepy. The pictures look bad but it looks worse in person. I literally cut through half of my pinky. I have no idea what stopped it from cutting anything really serious in my hand other than the herd of angels surrounding me at the time. I can imagine it now, "Come on everyone, she has the knife!" as they all surround me and wait for me to be a retard. haha.
My thumb and pinky move but my pinky is really restricted because of the stitches and the pulling that the occurs when I try to move it more than a tad.
Matt has been really good about helping me out and so have the kids. I wish they responded this quickly every day. :) The vicoden made me feel really sick so I am back on the ibuprofen during work hours and then I plan on taking one "v" when I get home.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Practice knife safety during the holidays!

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