As if things aren't stressful enough right now, I cut my hand yesterday helping Courtney with her science project. A reasonable quick trip to the E.R. and my fingers still work and are safely secured with a total of 15 stitches. Thank God it was my left hand.
I am trying to stay away from the prescription the doctor gave me and just survive with the ibuprofen but it is still really uncomfortable. Courtney was trooper and helped me by cleaning up the blood and following my directions. It helps that I was really calm and reassured her that i was okay and focused her on other tasks. Matt rushed home and took me to the hospital. He knows I'm not a wimp but I think he was surprised to see the seriousness of the cuts once I opened my hand at the hospital (I was clenching a paper towel for 1 1/2 hours and refused to open it until I was seen by someone at the hospital).
So, everything is a little more challenging now but it is forcing me to let Matt and the kids help me (which is good for all of us). I refuse to buy pies for Thanksgiving but I will need to shortcut some steps and the kids are going to help so they can brag to the family on Thursday. haha.
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Ewww Keri... that's messy, but I'm glad you're alright and hope you still can move your fingers normally!
Happy Thanksgiving, and have fun making pies with the kids!
What the h..l. What kind of project were you doing?? I hope you are better by now. I guess I will forgive you for not calling me back.
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