Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm back

It's been awhile.
So, on 2/17 we had our first weigh in. I lost 8.5 pounds and was the fifth biggest loser on my team. The other team's percentage lost was something like 10% less than our team's. That's because we are awesome and our trainer is awesome!

On 2/18 I had my surgery to have my horns and moles removed. My mom came down to take me to and from surgery. THANK GOD. I was unprepared for the extent of the surgery or the recovery period. My mom took care of everything! Thanks mom! So I got to stay in bed for 3 days and then be semi out of bed for the fourth day. I obviously missed my workout on Thursday and was then very inactive until last night. My doctor said not to raise my heart rate for two weeks (she said no running). I talked to my trainer and he had me modify the workout last night. At one point, he looked at me and said, "well, I raised your heart rate because I made you sweat"...but I had to half ass most the stuff, which was frustrating. Maybe most people would like to get away with not being killed by their trainer but I miss him "yelling" at me...he doesn't really yell. I promised him that he could yell at me in another week.

So, our second weigh in is tonight. I cut almost all my carbs since I wasn't able to be active...except for my special treat of unsalted saltines with a tiny bit of peanut butter, which stopped on Sunday because Courtney ate all the crackers..argh. It's okay, I bought 3 boxes yesterday but haven't touched them...they are just meant for treats. I had a dream last night that I lost 16 pounds. Obviously that is not going to happen but I do feel that I have lost some. I have kept my calories between 1000-1400 since the surgery (except for having 345 on the day of and 722 the day after) but I have not starved myself at all. It is all about food combinations.

Last night, I sauted onion, pasilla chilies, a tiny bit of tomato, and broccoli with 5 oz of chicken. I baked a small sweet potato to have with it but only had a few bites because I was full after the other stuff...and the veggies were only about a cups worth. After my work out, I had a Light n' Fit yogurt and an apple. I feel good and I don't feel dependant on food. I eat to fuel my body, not to fill the space or take up time, or make myself feel any certain way.

Now we just have to work on Matt's snoring so I can get some good sleep. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

3 Mile Run

I did it! My time was either 34:15 or 35:14, I can't remember. We ran the circumference of Woodward Park. For the first mile I did the jog, walk a minute, then jog some more. But my legs (from my knees down) would start to feel stiff when I walked so I just jogged the rest of it. By the way, Woodward Park is NOT flat! There were some serious hills that we had to get over.

Anyway, I did it and I felt really good after (physically). I can't say that I wanted to immediately run the course again but I was not in pain or uncomfortable in any way.

Yeah me! Now I feel more like this...

Okay, maybe not.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Night 3/Day 4

Last night was so much fun! We rotated between cardio machines and circuit training. Then we split into 2 teams and did circuit races. The hour flew by.

I love my trainer! Nothing like I love my husband but my trainer is super awesome in ways similar to my husband and pushes us in a playful, encouraging way.

Today I went for a jog/walk around my neighborhood in an effort to predict my agony tomorrow. I got new running shoes (on sale of course) so that the chance of injuring myself is slightly slimmer.

The kids aren't getting picked up until tomorrow but Courtney doesn't want to get up super early and go jogging with me...why not?? haha. Looks like I will be going alone tomorrow for my big, painful run. Probably better not to have my family see me puke. One of the girls on my team told me that her husband said he was going to go out to breakfast rather than going out to the run with her. What a poop. That's okay, we will all support each other!

This is how I feel running now...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

night 2 of training

Holy Hell am I OUT OF SHAPE!!! But I keep going and focusing on how different everything will be 12 weeks from now. (even 2, 3, 4 weeks from now)

We did testing long we can hold a plank position, how many jump ropes in one minute...and things that are much much worse.

But I come home happy and the kids are happy and Matt is happy. It's a nice change to be the one sneaking into the kids bedrooms to say goodnight and them making sure that I do because they will miss me if I don't. :)

I try not to get discouraged by my lameness at this point and Matt makes sure I don't think that way too.

Good night to day 2.

Weight Loss Challenge Work Out Day 1

Ouch! I am not in any incredible pain but mildly sore, mostly in my thighs. Today is going to be worse and we are testing our current levels on a bunch on different things so that we can see how much we have improved 12 weeks from now.

This Saturday we have our first "challenge"...a 3 mile run at Woodward Park. HOLY CRAPATOLY!!! I will be shocked if I will the prize for coming in first, but I absolutely will finish. We start at 745am...yuck. Part of me is looking forward to the run because I want to be able to run the next half marthon that comes to Freshole but I am a wee bit nervous...mostly that I will get two black eyes from my double sportsbra-ed boobs. Ah to be flat chested while exercising...haha.

I am totally going to fit into my blue eyelet sundress for my birthday. (the dress that I have been waiting 5 years to fit into and still has the tags on it). I am super excited! There are some really nice people in my workout group...and some that I just haven't figured out yet.

Yeah Yeah the new me is on her way!!