Monday, March 22, 2010


My butt was saved from elimination again. I am too frustrated and embarrassed to let anyone know I needed saving again so I voted a million times for myself. I feel much better about my weight loss this week and I have been doing really well sticking to my diet and exercising.

Even my trainer told me not to pay attention to the scale. He weighs us because that's his job. I think I am in the "replacing fat with muscle" stage. I have lost about 4 inches on each thigh and close to the same on my waist. I am starting to augment my workouts with my "Ab Jam" video to strengthen my core even faster. My abs and arms are my weakest areas and the ones that need the most help.

On another note, I got some avocado at the grocery store today. YUMMY! I am looking forward to my salad for dinner.
Healthy fat=good bye fat ass.